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Who Are We? What is GSI?

GSI Events is a ongoing project of collaboration between The Novel Guys (UK) and Your DNA Guide (USA). This wonderful collaboration brings together the amazing work of both Diahan Southard and Nathan Dylan Goodwin. Learning about DNA and genetic genealogy, as well as 'traditional' genealogy, you are led through a realistic process to identify a murderer in a fun, interactive way. So, GSI stands for Genealogy Solves It!


GSI Events launched in March 2023 in Salt Lake City, Utah, with their first ever face-to-face event, GSI: Sawtooth. It was so well received that we have planned and are planning more GSI Events. Sign up to this website for free membership, get more information and stay in the loop for our future product releases and news. Just click here or the red 'Log In' icon in the top right of any page to get closer to the action, today!


You can also sign up to Diahan's and Nathan's newsletters and social media channels to get all the latest information and updates - hop over to their websites.


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